Previous News
Konnichiwa! This is a part of the site where you can find all of the previous news that has been posted on just in case you weren't able to visit for a while. *grin* These are posted from the first post to the most recently post that I've put here. Posts more recent than the last one on here are on the main page. Hai! Here are the previous news.
Posted Tuesday, March 13, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Konnichiwa! This is the start of
You could say that this is the opening, but it's not the Grand Opening.
This doesn't have anything on here right now, and this is only a starter
page. This may not neccessarily be the layout I use, so if you don't
like it, don't worry. *grin* When there's enough things to be on
here, then it'll be the Grand Opening. That's all for now.
Ja ne!
Posted Wednesday, March 14, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Konnichiwa! I added the Videos page today, and all of them are
captured by me! *grin* (Hence the name, Videocaptor Tomoyo!
*grin*) These videos were also shown on and
Perfect World before the sites -- disappeared. I'm the same one who
ran the movies before, so please don't worry. *grin* The clips
are located at, and it has the links to the videos on the Videos
page, plus a note on the top of the page for you to read. I hope
you like the videos! Ja ne! *grin*
Posted Sunday, March 25, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Konnichiwa! It's been a little while, but I'm still here! *grin*
I've put up the screenshots and one more clip link to the movies page.
Since it seems about time, here it is -- Here's the Grand Opening of!
*grin* The background goes well with the Grand Opening celebration,
doesn't it? *grin* Oh, and some birthdays to announce -- Happy Birthday,
Eriol-kun and Meilin-chan! This Friday (March 23rd) was Eriol's birthday,
and today (March 25th) is Meilin's! Happy Birthday to you two!
I'm sorry I don't have anything else special to give them on here.
By the way, what do you think of the logo I made? I didn't scan the
picture of Tomoyo (me in a sense *looks up in thought*), but I did the
text and the design! *grin* Perhaps you've noticed it resembles the title
on the English sold version of subtitled Cardcaptor Sakura! *grin*
I suppose that's all for now. Ja ne!
Posted Monday, March 26, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Konnichiwa! Just put up a couple of clip links and changed the
background a bit so you can read the text better. *grin* By the way,
it seems that Perfect World suddenly appeared again, so if you want to
go there still, it's there now! And the birthdays are from
Also, a reminder: April 1st, which is also April Fool's Day, is Sakura's
birthday! (I also know that from *grin* That's
all for today. Ja ne!
Posted Saturday, March 31, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Konnichiwa! Tommorrow's Sakura's birthday, so prepare your birthday
presents! *grin* *grin* Toshinobu Yamamoto's birthday
(from Cardcaptor Sakura) is on April 8th, and Hotohori (from Fushigi Yugi)
is on the day after Sakura's, April 2nd.
Posted Sunday, April 8, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Konnichiwa! I'm putting up a webpoll today. If you have
time, please vote on it! Scroll down to the bottom to see it.
Also, today is Toshinobu Yamamoto's birthday (from Cardcaptor Sakura).
And if anyone would like to do something or help me with the site, don't
be afraid to ask. *grin* Ja ne!
Posted Tuesday, April 10, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Konnichiwa! Just added the screenshot for the clip that didn't
have a screenshot. When I get time, more will be coming soon.
*grin* Ja ne!
Posted Thursday, April 12, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Konnichiwa! I put up the "Previous News" page so that they won't
make this page too long, and so I can retain what was written before.
*grin* I've seen that the webpoll got some votes and that the counter
got up to 100! I doubt that's how many times it was actually seen
by someone else, because as it says there, it includes when I check my
site too. *grin* If you can, and if you haven't voted yet,
go ahead and vote for one. If you have, well, if you vote for your
own choice too much, it'll look like a lot of people want it. *grin*
I fixed a spelling error on one of the news, if you noticed that "Scroll"
was spelled "Scrool". *grin* I put the poll and the counter
up near the top so you can see it better. Ja ne!
Posted Saturday, April 14, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Konnichiwa! I added a whole lot of links to clips to the Videos
section, so go on and take a look! *grin* I also changed the
title of this page to "Updates" instead of "News", because I want to make
sure that no one gets confused; actually, these writings are mostly saying
what's been updated at the page, not really news on Cardcaptor Sakura or
anything. *grin* Did you also notice that yesterday was Friday
the 13th? And I added a Cursors page, but no cursors are up yet.
Just screenshots. *grin* I think that's about it. Ja ne!
Posted Saturday?, April 14?, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Konnichiwa! Just added a couple of cursor links. That's
all! Ja ne!
Posted Saturday?, April 14?, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Konnichiwa! This is to say that this site might be getting a
new layout pretty soon. If anyone has something to say, by all means
go ahead and e-mail me at Arigotou!
(Thanks!) Ja ne!
Posted Sunday, April 22, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Konnichiwa! I put up the new layout today, as you can see.
*grin* Sou-sou, what do you think? I drew the background myself
on the computer. Oh! I realized that the couple updates before
this all have the same date. So, I'll put question marks on them
so no one's confused and so I don't have to be unsure on if it was correct
or not. *grin*
Posted Friday, April 27, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Konnichiwa! *grin* I've put the side menu on the top so there's
no frames for those that can't have frames or don't like frames.
*grin* And if you would like to link to (if you'll
kindly e-mail me, and you have a website that you mention, a link to it
would most likely go on a new Links page! *grin*), here's some buttons
and small banners that you can use:
The buttons were all made by me, except for the small banner which
I made myself except for the kawaii picture of Tomoyo, which I made transparent
with a cel scan from No, I didn't create, even though she has one of the same names. Many
have a name the same as I. (Ah! That rhymes! *grin*) The only
difference between the first and second are that one has black text on
a transparent background, and the second one has white text on a transparent
background, so pages with different background colors won't be a problem
for some of the text that doesn't show up well on those backgrounds.
*grin* I hope you like them! I also put up a bluer version
of the background. That's all for now. Ja ne! *grin*
Posted Saturday, April 28, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Konnichiwa! I fixed some errors around the page, such as the
2nd Video link leading to the 1st one, some of the cursor previews having
borders, and putting more previous news in the Previous News section.
*grin* I've also put up a Link to this Site section with the banners
and buttons I've made in there. *grin* I hope no one minds,
but I've made the ad on the page instead of a pop-up. That's so I
can customize it and make it look better. *grin* Demo (But)
if any one would like me to put it back on a pop-up, then by all means,
e-mail me by clicking my name up at the top of this post. *grin*
That's about it. Ja ne!
Posted Wednesday, May 9, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Konnichiwa! I fixed the images of the link-to-this-site buttons
and banners. I noticed that they didn't point to the right place,
so I'm fixing them two updates before this and the Link to this site page.
*grin* I can't do too much else now. Ja ne! *grin*
Posted Saturday, May 26, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Konnichiwa! I haven't updated in more than two weeks, I know.
Gomen-nesai(Sorry about that)! I've added a small link page for an
update. Take a look there, since although the descriptions aren't
that great right now, they happen to have some information on what else
I'm planning to add. What do you think of a little page where if
you have a site with staff members, I can take a pretend photograph of
the whole staff and then they can put it on their staff page and say that
I did that and put a link to this place? I've done a couple already,
so do you think I should have the little place up, plus the ones that I
did for other sites already? Also, what else do you think I should
put here? More clips and videos? Scans of a couple of things
that I have, including Cardcaptor Sakura manga? Or even complete
episodes, if I can find the time and space for it! *grin* Also put one
of the updates into the Previous News section. Well, I suppose that's
all for now. Ja ne!
Posted Saturday, June 2, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Konnichiwa! It's been a week since I've updated, but I've got
some news things for In the Videos section,
I've divided the clips by category now, since there's clips of different
kinds, to organize it. Not only that, but I've added two new Cardcaptor
Sakura clips. *grin* I've also fixed the navigation links.
For some reason, they worked before and they didn't work later on.
It's all fixed now, except the same URL,
will show even if you go to a different page. I hope that won't be
a problem for anyone. *grin* Also added another link on the Links
page. Well, that looks like it for now. Ja ne! *grin*
Posted Friday, June 8, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Konnichiwa! It's only a week or so until school ends. *grin*
I've updated the Links page with a new link.
Sometimes, I've mentioned in the Updates before about a site called
"Perfect World". Well, the new link is to that page. *grin*
That's all. I know, it's just a little thing, but I did a quick update
and that doesn't mean that I won't update again for a long while.
*grin* Ja ne!
Posted Monday, June 11, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
A quick update. I found out that Tomoyo's saying in the link
banner is a little off from the translation I got it from, so I updated that.
Therefore, if you happen to be using that banner, you can update it if
you want. *grin* Also, do any of you reading this have any ideas of
what you want put up next? Some things I can think of are:
Fan Art/Fan Fiction, Sounds, ZZN E-mail Service, Polls, Guestbook, and more of
what's already there. *grin* Well, that's all. Ja ne!
Posted Thursday, June 28, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
I've updated the link page with a new link and an update of another link. Also, one or two of the links might not work, but it's probably a server error or something temporary. If you find a link there that doesn't work for good and you know it, please feel free to contact me by clicking on my name on the title of this update. *grin* I've been getting some e-mails from this site, and that makes me happy, knowing that this site isn't completely invisible and unknown on the internet. *grin* I've also updated the logo with a cleaner version. It was helped to be made by looking at some scans and screenshots from Silly Moogle's CCS site, and Tomoyo's long hair was done by me editing and cutting out some parts of one of the images scanned by Jedi Sakura, former webmistress of Thanks to them so I could make the newer logo, plus of course the original scanner of the original image of Tomoyo in the first place! *grin* Ja for now!
Posted Wednesday, July 11, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
I'm not really updating a whole lot. It's been eleven days since I've updated last, but I suppose that's not all that bad. I've done a pretty big update to the Videos section, and there's new Cardcaptor Sakura clips and Cardcaptors Commercials there now. I've also added a Cardcaptors Clips section because the opening seemed more a clip rather than a commercial. *grin* I hope everyone's been having fun this summer!
Posted Thursday, July 12, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
I forgot to upload the Previous News page! If you might have noticed, some of the previous news on here at the bottom wasn't there anymore, but it wasn't on the Previous News page. Well, it should be there now, and so this is to say that the Previous News has been updated with some more past updates. (It's not really news, it's just record of the updates I've done. I should probably put the Previous News on two separate pages now, it's getting pretty long.) That's it for now, all right? Ja ne!
Posted Sunday, July 29, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
I haven't updated in two weeks and one day! Despite summertime, I don't have the time I wish I had to update the site as often as I want to. Just so you know, doesn't offer its services anymore, so a whole lot of the files that are on here. That's including the video files. *sighs with closed eyes* It will be much harder to show everyone kawaii Sakura-chan.....
I think I might be able to find somewhere else to put them. For now, they're still there for download. Demo (But), I won't be able to upload the new clips I captured lately. That's what I've been working on all the time between the updates! *wide grin* I've also updated the logo a little bit, since I saw that the bracket wasn't really in the place I intended. *grin* I've also added a new link. It's to one of Bubble's sites; "Dreamz Portal". Bubble is a tomodachi (friend) of mine. *grin* I've also updated the logo a little bit, since one bracket on the "dot com" text wasn't where I intended it to be, so it's just a little edit. *grin* Also, please don't be surprised if I don't update a lot. I'm very busy this summer, and I can't do much. Gomen ne!
Posted Sunday, August 13, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
I haven't updated for....*counts days*...two weeks and one day, again! Just like last time. Mysterious....
I've updated the links page, and I've put some news into the previous news section. Some bad news is that I've missed "The Past, The Present, and The Future" and "A Strange New Beginning". (Titles from, part of Michael's Cardcaptors.) And to add to to that, I also didn't get to record "The Mysterious Painting" before! *sigh with deep sorrow* I really want to get a tape of these episodes, if I can't record them from repeats. Oh, speaking of Michael's Cardcaptors, here's some info that I found there: next week's episode is "The Race", an old episode, but 8/25 is "A New Set of Wings", which I assume is the one where Sakura transforms the Fly Card, and September 1 is "A Whole Flock of Trouble", which looks like the one with the stuffed sheep! *looks determined* I won't miss these! (I'm a Videocaptor. Missing those three episodes and I haven't got a chance to a repeat or a tape is really bothering me. *grin*) I may add a link to Michael's Cardcaptors later on the links page. Plus, I had to edit this post and the post before this one. There were some things that didn't sound right, and I forgot to add some things in.
Also, I can now say my full name -- Tomoyo Ichijouji! *joyful grin* I'll end the update with that. Sayonara!
Posted Tuesday, August 21, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
I haven't updated for....*counts days*...about a week and one day. One less week than last time, but still....there's a blurred pattern going on here with updates. *grin*
I don't have a whole lot to add, but I've added new pages. It's Activites, and it currently contains a crossword I made for once. I've also added a place where you can get some free things I've made, just please if you use them, e-mail me. You don't really need permission, but I'd just like to know who'd like to use something that I made, plus I'd like it if you said I made it. *grin* Plus, please don't steal things from there. I made all of the things there myself, at least in part.
Also, I'm thinking of re-doing the layout so I don't have the problem of the menu being at the top of the page. Oh! Wait a second, I've got an idea.....*leaves everyone suddenly right smack in the middle of the update*
*comes back looking disappointed* I guess that linking to a separate file that is the menu with a code doesn't work for the way I'm doing it....oh, well. I'm also adding a Tomoyo's Fanart and Fanfiction page, since I think I might have some to post later on. I've also put an update in the Previous News section to make sure this page doesn't get too long. That way, I don't need to delete them if I need to do that. *grin*
All right, I think that's everything for now.
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Wednesday, August 22, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
I fixed the links page a little of some mistakes that were on there. *grin* That's all I did for now, really. Well, maybe some more updates later!
Oh, it turns out that I did another thing for today! I've added a poll on my Fanworks section. I've also added a button and a banner onto the Link to my Site section. Well, that's all I did for now!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Wednesday, August 23, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
I forgot to say what I meant by "Season 4" on the poll on my Fanworks page. What I meant was about a fourth season of Cardcaptor Sakura. I'll put that on the Fanworks explaination, too. Okay, that's everything. So far, I see two votes. Not bad for something that just was put up last night. *grin* Well, that seems like everything for now, okay?
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Tuesday, August 28, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Update to the Links section. Added a couple links and edited some of the descriptions. That's pretty much everything. Oh, and the polls currently have 7 votes in it. Well, that seems to be everything for now!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Sunday, September 2, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Tomorrow's Tomoyo Daidouji's birthday, and it's also Labor Day tomorrow! *grin* To celebrate Tomoyo's birthday, I'm putting up some of images of me, Tomoyo, and the rest of the gang celebrating the event. I created them, but I didn't create/scan any of the images that I got them from. Some are from Silly Moogle, some are from unknown sources, but the edits are all made by me. *grin* It's not really supposed to be up until tomorrow, but since I think it'll be okay, since it's so close to Tomoyo's birthday (that rhymes!), and I just might not be able to update tomorrow. So, here is the link: Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu, Tomoyo Daidouji! (Japanese found at The Japanese means simply "Happy Birthday, Tomoyo Daidouji!" *grin*
Also, I've put up another button on the Link to this Site page. It's another animated button, and it's color theme is purple. *grin*
The poll has gotten a lot more votes since I last saw it! I've seen 19 votes in there already, and most of the new ones are going toward "Sure! I'd love to see one!" *sighs and grins* It's nice to know that people want to see one. I've been thinking of it around, and sometime, I'll be able to post some of it! *grin* I can't be sure when, but probably sometime soon.
All right, I think that's everything!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Monday, September 3, 2001 [Tomoyo's Birthday] by Tomoyo-chan
It's Tomoyo Daidouji's birthday today, everyone! Happy Birthday, Tomoyo! In case you still haven't gone to the link yet, here it is again: Otanjoubi omedetou gozaimasu, Tomoyo Daidouji! (Japanese found at That means "Happy birthday, Tomoyo Daidouji!" *grin* To celebrate Tomoyo's birthday, I'm putting up some of images of me, Tomoyo, and the rest of the gang celebrating the event. I created them, but I didn't create/scan any of the images that I got them from. Some are from Silly Moogle, some are from unknown sources, but the edits are all made by me. *grin* (You can read the exact same thing on the bottom update, but I put it up here for convenience.)
I've also updated the Links page with not new links but updates to the descriptions that were outdated. Also, which image do you like best on Tomoyo's Birthday page? ....Or do you like all of them? *grin* I'm just curious. Oh, and I put some of the older news into the Previous News section.
I've posted an update on Dreamz Portal, if anyone wants to take a peek. Bubble-chan put up a new layout! *grin* Well, that seems to be everything!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Monday, September 9, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
It's been a week since I've updated. I've updated the Link to this Site page with one new banner and the Site Trinkets with two new banners, with the images from Dreamz Portal. *grin* (Oh, I forgot a parenthesis down there, so I corrected it.)
In the poll on my Fanworks section, I have a total of 25 votes so far and three comments, one of which is in Spanish! I don't know Spanish, but from some words that looked familiar, it looks something like she's saying that I'm fantasic, and that I have super content. *blushes* Arigotou-gozaimasu! (I may be wrong, and if you know what it says, please tell me. *grin*)
I'm thinking of also putting up on the Site Trinkets page a list of site names that you can use if you're stuck on what name to name your site. If you have comments, e-mail me by clicking on my name up on the title of the post.
That's all for now, all right? Ja ne!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Saturday, October 6, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
It's been nearly a month since I've updated! Gomen nasai! (Sorry about that!) I've updated the Cursors page with new cursors (even though I didn't create the images that they came from) starting from sakura04.cur including sakura04.cur. *grin* I've added two pages; one, a Staff Photograph Studio, and two; a Site page for little adoptions and networks and things like that. I've also put some of the news down there to the Previous News section, which is getting quite long now. *grin* There are more explanations on the new pages. Well, I think that's everything. Ja ne! (See you later!)
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Thursday, October 11, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
It's been exactly a month since the terrible tragedy that befell New York. It seems, however, kind of hard to believe that so much time has passed since then?
Today is also Naoko Yanagisawa's birthday! I've done a little card for her to celebrate. (See me? *grin*)
Updated the S.P.S. page with Sakura Star's new staff photos and new staff. *grin* Also put up a staff photo that I forgot to put up there, too.
A notice for those who may be wondering:
The videos on my site used to be hosted on They
used to have 500 megs for storage so I could put my clips on there.
It used to be no problem. ....except they shut down their free
server. *sighs*
Ever since, I've been trying to find a place to put them without
having to degrade their file size and quality in order to put up.
With up coming clips that I'd rather not rotate around, it takes more
than an Angelfire or Geocities or Tripod account to take it up alone.
I could try putting up my own server,'d be a whole lot of
trouble, and it may not even be possible.
I can't find a solution yet, so for now, the clips are down for a
little while. *sighs* If I can find a place where I can put them
nicely, then that would be a different story! *grin*
If I can find a place to put them and it'll be up and running, I'll
post on my site! So, my videos aren't down forever! *grin*
Thanks for understanding.
I'm working on the fanart and fanfiction, for those who are waiting, so don't worry. They should be up sometime. *grin* I see that I have 60 votes total in the poll on Tomoyo's Fanworks page.
Well, that's everything I can really do right now. Ja matta ne!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Friday, October 12, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Sonomi's and Nakuru's birthdays are tomorrow! (That's right; they are on the same day. Interesting desu wa ne?) I've done another birthday card for both of them here:
I'm in there, too. *grin* (The 'miho-chan' in the corner was there from the original image. Since this original scan isn't mine, I didn't really want to take it off. But, just so you know, I didn't put it on there. *grin*)
I quickly updated a staff photo on one of them, nothing really to see. Also, I looked at and it looked promising -- 100 megs -- but it had a lot of restrictions, too many for me to really use. So, I'll try something else. Remember, those clips are being worked at to being put up, so watch for them! *grin*
A little quick sad note: I've recorded all the episodes on tape (assuming I didn't miss a part at the end, which I don't think I did) except for these episodes:
- "The Past, The Present, and the Future"
- "The Strange New Beginning"
- 'Return Card episode' (don't know the name, showed yesterday even though a non-new episode was listed *sighs*)
I really wish these episodes would show a repeat. (Videocaptor instincts. *sweatdrop grin*)
That's all for now, ja matta ne!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Saturday, October 13, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
I did a little image for the adoptions on The Site page. Take a look by clicking on it on the menu above. I also updated a couple Staff Photos in the S.P.S. That's all for now.
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Saturday, October 20, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Big update desu wa. I'll leave it for last, since I think you'll like it. *grin*
First, I've done a cute little ad banner on the Link to this Site page with a Japanese version of my logo. Nifty desu wa ne?
Next, I've put Tomoyo's birthday page on the Site page, since the only link was on the news and I just couldn't take down that page. *grin* I've also updated the S.P.S. page's Sakura Angel's takes.
And now, the big news that I've been wanting to share -- the videos are back online! Hai, they are, and they are now hosted by Geocities! *grin* Now, since Geocities is still a pretty small host for lots of clips and videos, there's been some limitations. For example, I've been zipping up all of the clips I was able to get up. Some couldn't get up at all, like the .mpg version of the Cardcaptors opening, and the Cardcaptor Sakura opening (it was almost 8 megs, so there wasn't enough room). So, there are some clips that still aren't there -- yet. I'm still working on if I can find a really nice place to put them, but since people are actually asking me if they can see the clips (or that they didn't work, either one), I had to somehow put them up. I hope it's all right, and I hope downloading Winzip won't be a problem for most people! *grin*
Remember, same thing applies as before -- please don't steal or use them on your site without my permission first!
Also, there may be downtimes for which I can't control. To avoid having to wait to download clips, try going easy on the downloading! Geocities has a bandwidth limit, and if too many people want to download at once, no one will be able to download because then everyone will exceed the amount and everyone will be seeing an error message! *nods* So, everyone, please try to take it easy on the downloading. It'll help out everyone, including you if you want to take a look at a lot of them. *grin*
Well, that seems to be everything. Have a good weekend! *waves* Jaa ne!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Sunday, November 4, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
I've put up a little fun thing for you courtesy of Videocaptor Mail! The e-mail you'll get will look something like this: {}. Click the button under the logo to see more. (The original blank button for that button was from Sakura Online.)
I'm working something out with Molly of Unicorn Stars. She's very kindly letting me host my clips onto her server for me to share. Since it's still being set up, I'm not putting up the location of the clips that I've uploaded yet. But, just to let you know, progress is being made desu wa! *grin*
Well, I'll end this update here for now. Oyasumi nasai, minna-san! (Good night, everyone!)
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Monday, November 12, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Today, I've updated these pages: The S.P.S., the Cursors, the Links, Activities, and the Site.
On the S.P.S., I've updated Sakura Star's photos, Dreamz Portal's photos, and Sakura Angel's photos. If you're interested in seeing them, then visit the S.P.S. page. *grin*
On the Cursors page, I noticed that the cursors don't work. So, I've uploaded them as zips to see if they'll work that way. If they still don't work, please contact me by clicking on my name on this post.
The Links I've updated with the new URL of US Cardcaptors. They're at a .net domain name instead of a .com domain.
On the Activites, I've added a link to the Videocaptor Mail page, even though there's a button to it underneath the logo on the main page. *grin*
And on The Site page, I've added some little awards that I got from a while ago that I thought I could put up. *grin*
I've also been updating Dreamz Portal, too, since I'm a staff member there. *grin* You'll also find a link to Bubble's site on the Links page.
Well, that's all for today. I'm still working on those video clips and working it out with Molly at Unicorn Stars. Thanks, Molly! *grin* Ja mata ne!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Saturday, November 17, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
Quick note that I've updated the Links page with a link to Yue's Media, a great place for video clips of Cardcaptor Sakura, and I've updated the S.P.S. with Moon Blossoms' staff photograph. *grin* I've also been working on Dreamz Portal some more with the rest of the staff there, and I'm still trying to get the clips up with Molly of Unicorn Stars. I'm taking a bit long to get the clips to her, and I'm sorry about that. *grin*
Oh! Also, tomorrow is Masaki Amamiya's birthday (who is Sakura's grandfather on her mother's side), and the day after is Makiko Midori's birthday. *grin*
Well, that's it for now! Jaa ne!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Sunday, November 18, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
It's Masaki Amamiya's birthday today! (He's Sakura's grandfather on her mother's side.) I've done a card, and I've done the text and scanned the image myself from the manga, so ask if you want to use it. (I have my name on it, so actually that's kind of evident.)
(Click on it for its full size. Oh, and I translated the Japanese on the image by going here: Tomorrow is Makiko Midori's birthday, but I can't find her profile, so I don't have a picture of her. So, I probably won't be able to have a birthday card for her. Gomen nasai! *bows low with apology*
Oh, and I moved some of the news down there to the Previous News section, just to note. *grin* Because of that, I also put Naoko's birthday card in the Site section, as well as in the Previous News section, since the news post it was in was moved to the Previous News page. *grin*
That's all for tonight!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Saturday, December 15, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
It's almost been a month since I've posted last, and I've got to be brief. Gomen ne.
I've updated the Site page with awards from Sakura's Bubble and others, and I've updated the links page with updates to some URLs and a banner for a change of URL. Things have been busy, even with holidays coming up, so I apologize for those who were looking all last month for updates. *bows with apologies*
Just in case I can't update any time soon again, happy holidays! Be well!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Tuesday, December 25, 2001 {Christmas Day} by Tomoyo-chan
Merry Christmas, everyone! *grin*
I'm just posting quickly to put up Yukito's birthday card:
(Click for larger size)
I've also added a logo to the Videocaptor Mail login page on Don't forget, you can also visit for a login page right on my site, but you can go to either one. *grin*
I hope everyone has been good this year! *grin* Merry Christmas! (And a happy New Year. *grin*)
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Friday, December 28, 2001 by Tomoyo-chan
I'm posting a little to say that I updated and added staff photos to the S.P.S. page. I've updated Moon Blossom's staff photo, and I've added King Diamond's Cafe's and Eriol_chan's Card Captors 411's.
As for clips, I do have more clips uploaded somewhere, but I don't have time to put them up with screenshots and descriptions. So, not yet. Gomen nasai! *bows with apology*
Well, I must make haste. Ja mata ne!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Sunday, January 6, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
I can't make this too long, so this'll be short. *grin*
I missed to put up Fujitaka Kinomoto's birthday card on time! Happy (belated in this case, gomen nasai Kinomoto-san!) Birthday! (Otanjoubi Omedetou in Japanese. *grin*)
(Click on the image for the bigger sized image) I've also updated some of the Staff Photos on the S.P.S. page; one is the updated version of Eriol-chan's Cardcaptors 411, and the other is a new one for Sakura Dreamz (it's not a really big site).
Okay, that's all I can think of! Ja.
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Saturday, January 12, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
Okay, today it's mostly the S.P.S. updated with new photos and updated ones. In specfics, I updated Eriol-chan's 411 and uploaded a new Anime Gallery staff photograph. I've also took a bunch of some older news that were down there to the Previous News section. Since there was a birthday card in there also, I put that in the Site section (which basically is the place where I put the things that aren't in a bigger category. *sweatdrop grin*).
Okay, that's all, really. Ja ne.
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Monday, January 14, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
Must update quickly; I updated Eriol-chan's Cardcaptors 411 photo with a new staff member and two separate boy-and-girl photos. That's all. (Gomen about the abruptness! I'm in a rush.)
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Monday, January 21, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
Okay, just to say that I updated Eriol's Cardcaptors 411 photos again this time with some new staff members and taking off some that quit.
Okay, that's all I can do for now! Sayonara.
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Thursday, January 31, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
I've updated mostly the staff photos section with a new photo take and a retake (again...*grin*) of Eriol's Cardcaptors 411. I've done a really long description of the new one, so if you feel adventurous at the moment, you could read that. *grin*
I've also added a new top banner in the Site Trinkets section, after for so long! *grin*
That's it for now! Sayonara!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Sunday, February 3, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
Guess what? It turns out that some of the different colored crosswords had the wrong square arrangement so that a part of it didn't work. After seeing that, I went on and fixed it, plus added my logo at the corner in an area without squares.
Well, that's all for now. Ja!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Saturday, February 9, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
I've added another poll on my Fanworks page. If you want to, take a look! *grin*
Kaho Mizuki's birthday is coming up on the 11th! Hopefully, I can make a birthday card for her! *sweatdrop grin*
I'm in a rush today, sorry about that. But, the poll has more on the page. *grin* Well, ja ne for now!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Monday, February 11, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
Well, it looks like I'll be able to post Kaho's birthday card after all desu wa! *grin*
Yep, you can see me again in there (along with Poromon this time) in the card as well. *grin* I don't know where the original image came from or who did the original image, but I didn't screencap it even though I did the editing of the top extension (meaning that the parts of the classroom that are beside the white rectangle are completely added in, plus the logo on the upper-right hand side that said "BS2" is edited out), plus the part with me in it. *grin*
I also put some of the news down there into the previous news section, plus put the card that got moved along with it onto the site page.
Well, since it's a weekday, I'll keep this brief. Ja mata ne!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Thursday, February 14, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
Hello! I've been able to get up a Valentine's Day card, so Happy Valentine's Day! *grin* (All I really did was put on the text and resize it though, as I didn't scan/create the original image, and I don't know where it came from.)
I've also put up a couple of staff photos that I made a while ago, but didn't put up until now because their site had been down.
Well, that's about it! Happy Valentine's Day!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Saturday, February 23, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
I've updated the staff photos on Eriol's C.C.S. 411 with Sakura-San.
Some more news that I've got a very good amount of space for my videos. *grin* Only thing is that I haven't had time to upload the other ones yet. *sweatdrop*
Well, that's it for now, okay? Ja ne!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Saturday, March 3, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
I've updated the staff photos section with Sakura-san's new character in Eriol's 411. Plus, I've added two new links to the links page.
It's a bit late, but here's Touya's birthday card:
(Click for larger size)
I didn't scan/create the original image, but I edited out the text at the top and bottom and added myself in there.
I've also done Snow Bunny's birthday card (she's a friend of mine) and included myself and a couple other people that we talk with in there as well:
(Click for larger size)
Okay, that's it for now. Sayonara!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Monday, March 11, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
It's getting very close to's anniversary, so I've done the image labeled with the date:
(Click for larger size)
I didn't create the party image in the background, and the original image of Tomoyo in the foreground was scanned by Kari of *grin*
I've also changed the background on my previous site Perfect World (you can get there via this site's link page) to the current season. Does it resemble this site's background? *grin* I also updated Eriol's 411 photo with a new staff member.
Okay, that's about it. Sayonara!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Monday, April 6, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
I haven't been able to put up Eriol's, Meilin's, or Sakura's birthday card, and I might not be able to later, either. I've been really busy. But, I've updated a couple of staff photos in the S.P.S.
Well, I'm sorry I've got to make this short. Ja!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Friday, April 12, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
Spring break's started for me! That won't necessarily mean I'll have more time for stuff, but school's not going to be here for a week. Good for me (and for my classmates, I'm sure *grin*).
I updated Eriol's 411 site with another staff member, one from two others that I've made. And that's about it for now, sorry about that. *grin* 'Bye!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Friday, April 19, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
It's exactly been a week since the last update. I've updated only the staff photos, two new ones and updated Moon Blossoms. And that's about it. But, at least I'm still here and updating occasionally. *grin*
Well, then, that's all for now. Bye!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Sunday, April 26, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
I've updated the Site page with some awards I got from people that I did photos and stuff for. *grin* Also on that page, I've done a sort of dividing measure while still keeping the original order of the page (the subpages have the same things as the main page, but they only have things under a certain category).
Also by one of the people who gave me a surprise award, there's a new banner on the Link to my Site page created by one of my photo requesters. *grin* Domo arigotou!
Arg! I was planning to put up my fanart today, but at the moment, I can't! *clenches fists in irritation* Always the delay. Well, one of these days!
[Later] I also fixed up a couple of glitches on the links page and videocaptor mail page.
That's about it for now. See you all later!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Saturday, May 25, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
My gosh, it's almost been a month since I've updated!
Well, I've updated the staff photo page with an updated Outer Senshi Hangout one and I fixed the link to the site of Starlight Oasis on that page, too. Also, I've finally put up fanart! Hurray! *grin* Check out the Fanart & Fanfiction page to see them!
I'll keep this short. Ja ne!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Monday, June 3, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
I've just updated Eriol 411's photo and put up a link to my starting up Kingdom Hearts site. *grin* It's on the main page as well as the links page. *grin*
Sorry, it's the weekday, I'll need to make this brief. Bye for now!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Saturday, June 15, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
I've updated Eriol's 411 staff photo and added a new one. Also moved some news on the bottom to the previous news page and moved the ones that were on there to the site section. And I added some more fanart. *grin* I didn't put up the fanfiction yet, but the fanart's a start! *grin* That's about everything. 'Bye!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Thursday, June 27, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
Well, not much but I added an award I got to the Site page, and I added a link on the links page.
I'll take a little paragraph to say how much I adore Lilo & Stitch right now! Stitch is so adorable! Lilo's really cute too! The story's just so sweet, and I can't wait to see it...again! *hyper grin*
Well then, readers, I hope that if you get to see Lilo & Stitch sometime, that you enjoy it! I did! *grin*
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}
Posted Saturday, June 29, 2002 by Tomoyo-chan
Still crazy about Lilo & Stitch! I like it so much, I'll add a copy of the paragraph below to this one.
I'll take a little paragraph to say how much I adore Lilo & Stitch right now! Stitch is so adorable! Lilo's really cute too! The story's just so sweet, and I can't wait to see it...again! *hyper grin*
Okay, on with the updates, then. I've put three of the larger unzipped clips (can you guess which ones?) on a new server so Geocities doesn't have to deal with all of them. Nothing new there, but I think it will greatly reduce all the bandwidth problems. (It seems to give out on it about every three days now!) Also, I've added a new link, and informing the head honcho of that site about it. *grin*
Sorry there's not much, but hey, it's only been two days. There'll be more (hopefully, at least.) That's about it. 'Bye!
--Tomoyo-chan {Tomoyo Ichijouji}